Bring Your Own 'Device' (BYOD) is a new pathway supporting the delivery of 21st century learning. It is a term used to describe a digital device ownership model where students use their personally-owned mobile devices to access the department's information and communication (ICT) network.
BYOD assists students to become responsible digital citizens, enhancing the teaching and learning process and achievement of student outcomes as well as the skills and experiences that will prepare them for their future studies and careers.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) at St Bernard State School is currently implemented across Years 4, 5 and 6. Students are able to bring a laptop to school, connect to the school network and enhance their learning and 21st century skills in the classroom.
We have chosen to support the implementation of a BYOD model because:
· BYOD recognises the demand for seamless movement between school, work, home and play.
· Our BYOD program assists students to improve their learning outcomes in a contemporary educational setting.
· BYOD assists students to become responsible digital citizens, enhancing the teaching and learning process and achievement of student outcomes as well as the skills and experiences that will prepare them for their future studies and careers.
More information can be found in the schools BYOD Program Charter or by contacting us here at the school.