Our Mission and Values

We care and understand – the motto of St Bernard State School.
A motto we endeavour to instil in our students and staff; and our practices as a school community in all that we do. Equity and Excellence at St Bernard State School is ensuring all students have access to teaching and learning with reasonable adjustments so that they can realise their own potential in a safe and supportive learning environment. At St Bernard State School our moral purpose is to empower all children to become innovative life-long learners able to think creatively and be effective communicators. We aim to support students through diverse opportunities to create authentic connections to their community, the environment and for all to reach their full potential. Our school embodies inclusion, creativity and collaboration to foster the growth of resilient, curious and kind citizens who take responsibility for their own learning.
In 2024, our school's priority areas for improvement will be:
1. Teaching and Learning – Staff will collaboratively work with the community, students and school to ensure that the Educational Acheivement of students is progressed through effective, high yeild pedagogical practices, authentic contextulised curriculum aligned with V9 of the Australian Curriculum and authentic and meaningful assessment practices.
2. Community Connections – St Bernard State School's students, staff and community will have a culture of wellbeing and engagement through the use of inclusive practices that are connected to the expertise and values of our surrounding community, ensuring that all members of our school community have a sense of belonging within and outside the school gates.
As a school we promote an inclusive culture where all students receive opportunities to learn and achieve. This is evident through some of and not limited to the following:
- Exceptional academic results for our school, with some of the highest results in the private and state sectors.
- Our school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning School.
- Students who require individual support or extension have access to a range of opportunities including but limited to individual curriculum plans; personalised learning plans; individual behaviour plans; wellbeing support plans; or access to our many services such as our STLaN, School Psychologist, School Speech Language Pathologist, access to the departmental Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist, Chaplain, Guidance Officer and many more. These referrals are always done with consultation of parents and caregivers and have consistent check ins and updates for those students.
- Our teachers are thoroughly supported by our school's leadership team who have a diverse range of expertise in a multitude of school sizes and locations, as well access to all Regional and Departmental supports required.
- Extracurricular opportunities cater for students' diverse needs, skills and interests – band, strings, Readers Cup, interschool sport, excursions, camps, math challenges, Writers Club, chess championships, dance club, social skill programs, discos, before school reading club, After School Club, Choir, Craft Club, a Sensory Room, plus many more.
- Student leadership opportunities are open to all students including Student council, Aspiring Leaders Program and School and House Captaincy opportunities.
- Multiple zones are available for students in playtime every day including indoor quite spaces and open spaces for students to run around.
- Our school celebrate students' successes frequently on school assemblies, celebration assemblies, in classrooms, in our Newsletter and on the school's Facebook page.