2024 School Captains
Student Leadership
St Bernard State School provides many opportunities throughout school for student leadership. We have a student council where students from Year 1 and onwards are able to be elected by our student body to be a part of the student voice.
In Year 4 and 5 we work with Tamborine Mountain State High School and Tamborine Mountain State School as a part of an Aspiring Leaders program. Our schools work together as a part of the Mountain Schools for Sustainability and learn about and implement ways to protect the environment our schools are fortunate enough to be in.
Our school also encourages students in their final year of primary education to undertake leadership roles in the school. Whilst all Year 6 students will be considered school leaders, a small number of students will be elected and receive badges for formal leadership positions. Student leadership positions at our school include: 4 x School Captains and 8 x House Captains (2 for each house). Students applying for a leadership role must have at least two St Bernard State School staff members as referees, one of those being their current class teacher. Students are also required to have a minimum attendance rate of 90%, demonstrated very good effort and behaviour across subject areas and have been actively involved in the general life of the school.
2023 Captains and Vice Captain
Expectations of our Student Leaders
It is our expectation that the student leaders are positive role models at all times for all students. The wearing of the correct uniform, the use appropriate speech and the demonstration of mature and responsible behaviour by the student leaders is essential for the positive tone of our school. It is well known that students from St Bernard State School are proud of being part of the school and possess excellent manners and exemplary behaviour. In the unlikely event of an elected student leader not fulfilling his/her duties and not complying with the St Bernard State School Student Code of Conduct, the following consequences will apply: A warning will be issued to such a student (if the student chooses not to heed the warning, it is likely that such student may lose his/her badge and leadership position for such time as determined by the principal). Immediate loss of his/her badge and leadership position for such time as determined by the principal. Student candidates for all student leadership positions should note that some out of school hours activities may occur during the course of the year. As Student Leaders are ambassadors of our school, there is an expectation that they will make themselves available at these times.
The position of School Captain involves students leading the school in formal and informal occasions. Students who have been heavily involved in the life of the school, can speak well in a public forum and who have the respect of the entire school community should seek nomination. The formal occasions could include activities such as school assemblies, welcoming visitors to the school (acting as hosts on such occasions) and representing the school at local community activities, such as ANZAC Day. Informal activities could be the mentoring role played by school captains of younger students, involvement in school activities and events and encouraging the participation of other students in school activities and liaising with administrators, teachers and other staff. School Captains head the St Bernard Student Council which involves working with the Student Council staff coordinator/s to lead the Student Council and its operations.
The position of House Captain (Picabeen, Illawarra Flame Tree, Wattle, Ironbark) involves these students motivating and inspiring the other students in their house, no matter their ability. Students who have been engaged in a wide variety of sporting activity and who demonstrate a high level of sportsmanship should seek nomination. These positions will involve working as part of a House team and assistance to the PE teacher, with setting up, leading their respective house and packing away at various sporting events across the school year including school athletic and swimming carnivals. They will also be required to liaise with House teachers and assist in the organisation of younger students. They should also be prepared to make speeches and write sport reports, when necessary, lead house war cries and use initiative to create an appealing house area at events. All of our captains are asked to worked together as a part of a legacy project. Something that they believe will benefit the students and improve our school.
Year 5 Students are explicitly supported through the application process for all student leadership positions from the end of Term 3 by the Year 5 and 6 teachers, Principal and Head of Department Curriculum providing mentoring, support and guidance through the process to all students involved.